What you need for VETASSESS


VETASSESS stands for the “Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services” and is a government-owned corporation that provides assessment services for skilled workers. 

VETASSESS is one of the major certifying bodies for professional migration to Australia. It is authorized by the Australian government to conduct skills assessment tests and provide results for a variety of occupations. If you are planning on migrating to Australia or simply want to work in Australia then it is essential that you satisfy VETASSESS requirements.

Why is it necessary?

This assessment is a requirement that must be fulfilled before presenting your Expression of Interest if you intend on applying for a Skilled Visa. The purpose of the VETASSESS Skills assessment test is to ensure that you have the skills and qualifications required for your occupation. It also ensures you have the ability to perform well in Australia. To start your skilled application process you must review the skilled occupation lists for your specific visa.

There are three types of skilled visas for which you can be invited to apply:

Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 491) – You can apply for this visa if you want to live and work in regional Australia.

Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190) – You can apply for this visa if you want to live and work in Australia’s capital cities or areas with specific skill shortages.

Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189) – You can apply for this visa if you have an approved nomination from a state or territory government agency, employer or relative who lives in Australia and wishes to sponsor you to permanently settle in Australia.


There are two pathways of VETASSESS Skills Assessments:

Pathway-1: VETASSESS General Occupation

Pathway-2: VETASSESS Trade Occupation

Your next step is to find out what type of Vetassess Skills assessment is required for your profession. The information below will help you to work this out.

Eligibility for VETASSESS General Occupation Skills Assessment

When completing the general occupations skills assessment, you are asked to provide details of employers (or former employers) and education/training providers for each job you have held for at least one month. Based on this information, VETASSESS assesses your qualification rating against the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), your employment location based on inside or outside Australia and its relevance for the nominated occupation. It is important that you ensure all jobs, periods of employment and qualifications are completely accurate with the information you provide to VETASSESS. An inaccurate account could mean that your qualifications or work experience are not relevant for the job for which you have applied and lead to a negative skills assessment .

6 Different VETASSESS Groups

If you’re looking to begin your career as an Australian citizen, you will probably want to be familiar with the criteria which need to be met in order to achieve that goal.

VETASSESS has six different groups for general occupations according to the level of skill, A, B, C, D, E, and F for assessment purposes according to the indicative skill level on ANZSCO (Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations).

Requirements per Group Occupation

VETASSESS Assessment Required Documents

You’re probably wondering what documents you need to apply for your skill assessment application.  VETASSESS require that you provide the following documents for your skills assessment: 

Identity/Personal documents

  1.  Copy of current passport
  2. One recent passport size photo (45mm X 35mm)
  • Primary Identity Documents

Passport bio-page scan

Birth certificate

  • Secondary Identity Documents

National ID

Student identity card

Driver’s License

Australian visa grant

Social security cardMarriage certificate

Note: You must submit at least one primary identification card and one secondary identity document.

Qualification documents

  • Degree certificates/Diplomas
  • Transcripts

Employment documents

  • Employer reference letter
  • Payment Evidence – e.g., Payslips, Bank Statements, Taxation Documents, insurance or superannuation records, etc.
  • Employment contracts/COE

VETASSESS Fees and Application Processing Time

VETASSESS is an important step for workers in their migration pathway to residency in Australia. It affects a huge number of different people, and it can be intimidating to try and figure out how the process works. Hopefully, that’s something we’ve helped with by compiling this list of what you need to know when going through the VETASSESS visa process.

If you have any particular skills that fall into the above categories, learning as much about VETASSESS as possible will be beneficial to you. It can be tricky determining which of your skills are considered “assessable,” but it’s something to at least keep in mind as you learn more about migration options in Australia. 

If you have any questions or require further information please feel free to contact us by email at info@mirandamigration.com.au 

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